Announcements July 9 ~ July 15

Announcements ~ July 09, 2023


Everyone is asked to join in live for Wed.

Meat Lovers Bible Study. 7 pm– Adults


 Weekly prayer join us Every Friday @ 11:00am  call in to

857-357-0254 code 809119#


NMBF PC Schedule for July and Upcoming Events

All of NMBF PC is requested to attend.



NMBF PC ~ MCUBE Training

Sunday July 9, 2023 @ 1pm

Immediately following morning worship

Associate Pastor Carmen Espy


RAW: Real Authentic Worship

Every second Friday night at 7:30 pm July 14, 2023 at

NMBF PC, 9026 Elam Road, Dallas TX 75217

Bishop and Pastor Slater.


Partner App Training

The next training will be July 16, 2023immediatly after worship. If you are

having trouble or need to sign up send an email to:


NMBF PC ~ Church Outing

Sisters Night Out: Woman’s Conference with 1st Lady DeShay.

Held @ McKinney Roughs Nature Park

Saturday July 22, 2023, 6:00 pm ~1884 State Hwy 71 West, Cedar Creek, TX 78612

Pastor Donna Slater will be the primary speaker.

***All White; Free. (No van will be available, not enough signed up. Must ride share.)


NMBF PC Youth Ministry

If you would like to be a part of the 2023 Youth Gospel Explosion

August 3-5, 2023 please see Elder Lisa Scales after morning service.


Sunday School held every Sunday at NMBF PC.

@ 9:00 AM classes will be held for Adults Men, Women and Youths.

Associate Pastor Carmen Espy


Unrestricted Praise (Mime Team)

Fine Arts is rekindling the Unrestricted Praise Mime Team 

and it is open to all ages.  You are welcome to sign up today.

Associate Pastors Alice Guthrie


NMBF PC~ Youth Ministry

Youth Church School will be held every 2nd and 4th Sunday.

All youth are invited  and a lite snack will be served.

Elder Lisa Scales


You Matter,  We Care, GOD Provides.

Announcements June 11 ~ June 17

Everyone is asked to join in live for Wed.

Meat Lovers Bible Study. 7 pm– Adults 

 Weekly prayer join us Every Friday @ 11:00am  call in to

857-357-0254 code 809119#


NMBF PC Schedule for June and Upcoming Events

All of NMBF PC is requested to attend.


Thank you for your Prayers for Bishop J. Lee Slater

we are asking for your continuous Prayer as he recovers.

Pastor Donna Slater


Thank you to all who attended, worshipped, praised and served at Tent Revival with

Dallas International Street Church, lives were touched as the

Word was poured into the community. Bishop and Pastor Slater


Men, please sign up for the Father’s Day Brunch @ 11:00 AM,

before Saturday June 17, 2023, Elder Lisa Scales


Directors Meeting

Sunday June 25,2023 @ 1pm

Immediately following morning worship

Bishop and Pastor Slater


NMBF PC ~ Women’s Conference

July 15, 2023@ 9:00 AM

Olde. House—415 North Ballard Ave., Wiley, TX 75098

Pastor Slater will be the Main Speaker  registration fee of $60


NMBF PC Youth Ministry

If you would like to be a part of the 2023 Youth Gospel Explosion

August 3-5, 2023 please see Elder Lisa Scales after morning service.


Sunday School held every Sunday at NMBF PC.

@ 9:00 AM classes will be held for Adults Men , Women and Youths.

Associate Pastor Carmen Espy


Unrestricted Praise (Mime Team)

Fine Arts is rekindling the Unrestricted Praise Mime Team 

and it is open to all ages.  You are welcome to sign up today.

Associate Pastors Alice Guthrie


NMBF PC~ Youth Ministry

Youth Church School will be held every 2nd and 4th Sunday.

All youth are invited  and a lite snack will be served.

Elder Lisa Scales


You Matter,  We Care, GOD Provides.

Announcements June 4 ~ June 10

Everyone is asked to join in live for Wed.

Meat Lovers Bible Study. 7 pm– Adults 

 Weekly prayer join us Every Friday @ 11:00am  call in to

857-357-0254 code 809119#


NMBF PC Schedule for June and Upcoming Events

All of NMBF PC is requested to attend.


Thank you for your Prayers for Bishop J. Lee Slater

we are asking for your continuous Prayer as he recovers.

Pastor Donna Slater


Thank you all for birthday wishes and a beautiful birthday party.

Pastor Slater


NMBF PC~ Outreach

Tent Revival Dallas International Street Church—Pastor Karen Dudley

2706 S. Second Ave Dallas, TX 75210

Hosted by NMBF PC

June 4, 2023 @ 3:30 PM ~ Pastor Slater is the speaker

June 5-9, 2023 @ 7PM ~ Bishop is the speaker on the last night

Please see the flyer in the foyer.


NMBF PC ~Youth Ministry

There will be a brief meeting for all of the Ladies following Morning Worship


Men, please sign up for the Father’s Day Brunch @ 11:00 AM,

before Saturday June 17, 2023, Elder Lisa Scales


NMBF PC ~ Women’s Conference

July 15, 2023@ 9:00 AM

Olde. House—415 North Ballard Ave., Wiley, TX 75098

Pastor Slater will be the Main Speaker  registration fee of $60


NMBF PC Youth Ministry

If you would like to be a part of the 2023 Youth Gospel Explosion

August 3-5, 2023 please see Elder Lisa Scales after morning service.


Sunday School held every Sunday at NMBF PC.

@ 9:00 AM classes will be held for Adults Men , Women and Youths.

Associate Pastor Carmen Espy


Unrestricted Praise (Mime Team)

Fine Arts is rekindling the Unrestricted Praise Mime Team 

and it is open to all ages.  You are welcome to sign up today.

Associate Pastors Alice Guthrie


NMBF PC~ Youth Ministry

Youth Church School will be held every 2nd and 4th Sunday.

All youth are invited  and a lite snack will be served.

Elder Lisa Scales


You Matter,  We Care, GOD Provides

Announcements May 7 ~ May 13

Announcements ~ May 7, 2023


Everyone is asked to join in live for Wed.

Meat Lovers Bible Study. 7 pm– Adults


 Weekly prayer join us Every Friday @ 11:00am  call in to

857-357-0254 code 809119#


NMBF PC Schedule for May and Upcoming Events

All of NMBF PC is requested to attend.


Thank you for your Prayers for Bishop J. Lee Slater

we are asking for your continuous Prayer as he recovers.

Pastor Donna Slater


Unrestricted Praise (Mime Team)

Fine Arts is rekindling the Unrestricted Praise Mime Team 

and it is open to all ages. Unfortunately you cannot belong to both

Anointed Orcheo and Unrestricted Praise You are welcome to sign up today.

Associate Pastors Alice Guthrie


RAW: Real Authentic Worship

Every second Friday night at 7:30 pm May 12, 2023 at

NMBF PC, 9026 Elam Road, Dallas TX 75217

Bishop and Pastor Slater.


Mothers Day is coming!

This year Mothers Day will be spent at the MLK Magnificent Mom Day event

on Saturday, May 13th. Registration is now closed so you must text Elder Lisa Scales

for more information. For Flyer information, visit


NMBF PC Youth Ministry

If you would like to be a part of the 2023 Youth Gospel Explosion

August 3-5, 2023 please see Elder Lisa Scales after morning service.


If you or someone you know is in need, please take advantage of the community

resources posted on the flyer in the Fellowship Hall. Associate Pastor K. Waldon.


Reminder *Sunday School Reboot*

Sunday School held every Sunday at NMBF PC.

@ 9:00 AM classes will be held for adults and youths.

Join Virtually via Zoom Meeting ID: 820 4897 2841
Passcode: 777777 Associate Pastor Carmen Espy


NMBF PC~ Youth Ministry

Youth Church School will be held every 2nd and 4th Sunday.

All youth are invited  and a lite snack will be served.

Elder Lisa Scales


You Matter,  We Care, GOD Provides.

Announcements April 30 ~ May 6

Everyone is asked to join in live for Wed.

Meat Lovers Bible Study. 7 pm– Adults


 Weekly prayer join us Every Friday @ 11:00am  call in to

857-357-0254 code 809119#


NMBF PC Schedule for May and Upcoming Events

All of NMBF PC is requested to attend.


Thank you for your Prayers for Bishop J. Lee Slater

we are asking for your continuous Prayer as he recovers.

Pastor Donna Slater



Mass Choir rehearsal

Sunday, April 30, 2023 immediately following Morning Worship

Associate Pastor Alice Guthrie


Unrestricted Praise (Mime Team)

Fine Arts is rekindling the Unrestricted Praise Mime Team 

and it is open to all ages. Unfortunately you cannot belong to both

Anointed Orcheo and Unrestricted Praise You are welcome to sign up today.

Associate Pastors Alice Guthrie


RAW: Real Authentic Worship

Every second Friday night at 7:30 pm May 12, 2023 at

NMBF PC, 9026 Elam Road, Dallas TX 75217

Bishop and Pastor Slater.


Mothers Day is coming!

This year Mothers Day will be spent at the MLK Magnificent Mom Day event

on Saturday, May 13th. Registration is now closed so you must text Elder Lisa Scales

for more information. For Flyer information, visit


If you or someone you know is in need, please take advantage of the community

resources posted on the flyer in the Fellowship Hall. Associate Pastor K. Waldon.


Reminder *Sunday School Reboot*

Sunday School held every Sunday at NMBF PC.

@ 9:00 AM classes will be held for adults and youths.

Join Virtually via Zoom Meeting ID: 820 4897 2841
Passcode: 777777 Associate Pastor Carmen Espy


NMBF PC~ Youth Ministry

Youth Church School will be held every 2nd and 4th Sunday.

All youth are invited  and a lite snack will be served.

Elder Lisa Scales


You Matter,  We Care, GOD Provides.

Announcements Apr 16 ~ Apr 22

Announcements ~ April 16, 2023


Everyone is asked to join in live for Wed.

Meat Lovers Bible Study. 7 pm– Adults 

 Weekly prayer join us Every Friday @ 11:00am  call in to

857-357-0254 code 809119#


NMBF PC Schedule for April and Upcoming Events

All of NMBF PC is requested to attend.


Thank you for your Prayers for Bishop J. Lee Slater

we are asking for your continuous Prayer as he recovers.

Pastor Donna Slater


Congratulations to all of our Associate Pastors on receiving their

Associate Pastor Vestments. Associate Pastors Alice Guthrie,

Khaliah Waldon and Carmen Espy

may God continue to pour into you.

Bishop and Pastor Slater


RAW: Real Authentic Worship

Every second Friday night at 7:30 pm May 12, 2023 at

NMBF PC, 9026 Elam Road, Dallas TX 75217

Bishop and Pastor Slater.


NMBF PC~ Youth Ministry

Youth Church School will be held every 2nd and 4th Sunday.

All youth are invited  and a lite snack will be served.

Elder Lisa Scales


If you are in search of a church home, one that is rooted in the Word of God,

a covering, an accountability, a place of teaching, encouragement, uplifting,

community minded, family.  If you are not in the DFW area, fret not,

you may unite through our Virtual Partnership. 

Send an email of interest to, and we will contact you.


Stay Connected! Download the NMBF Church App Today!
Easy access to Church Announcements! Live Services! Videos
Audio Sermons and more. All available on our church app…
Available in the Apple app store, and Google Play Store


You Matter,  We Care, GOD Provides.

Announcements April 9 ~ April 15

Announcements ~ April 9, 2023


Everyone is asked to join in live for Wed.

Meat Lovers Bible Study. 7 pm– Adults 

 Weekly prayer join us Every Friday @ 11:00am  call in to

857-357-0254 code 809119#


NMBF PC Schedule for April and Upcoming Events

All of NMBF PC is requested to attend.


Thank you for your Prayers for Bishop J. Lee Slater we are asking for

your continuous Prayer as he recovers. Pastor Donna Slater


“NMBF PC ~ 7 Utterances

Was very powerful with awesome  international speakers

Thank you to all who attended.


Thank you to all partners who came and supported

Pastor Donna Slater at God’s Way Nehemiah Baptist Church.

We had a blessed time in the Lord. 



NMBF PC ~ Youth Ministry

Resurrection Sunday Speeches from our

Youth Ministry will be presented

Elder Lisa Scales


RAW: Real Authentic Worship

Every second Friday night at 7:30 pm April 14, 2023 at

NMBF PC, 9026 Elam Road, Dallas TX 75217

Bishop and Pastor Slater.


NMBF PC~ Youth Ministry

Youth Church School will be held every 2nd and 4th Sunday.

All youth are invited  and a lite snack will be served.

Elder Lisa Scales


You Matter,  We Care, GOD Provides.

Announcements Mar 19 ~ Mar 25

Announcements ~ March 19, 2023


Everyone is asked to join in live for Wed.

Meat Lovers Bible Study. 7 pm– Adults


 Weekly prayer join us Every Friday @ 11:00am  call in to

857-357-0254 code 809119#


NMBF PC Schedule for March and Upcoming Events

All of NMBF PC is requested to attend.


Thank you for your Prayers for Bishop J. Lee Slater

we are asking for your continuous Prayer as he recovers.

Pastor Donna Slater



NMBF PC ~ Church Outing

Women’s Day—March 19, 2023 @ 3:30 pm

New Harmony Church, 200 West Rea Avenue, Lancaster, TX 75146

Guest Speaker Pastor D. Slater

We will leave here at 2:45pm


NMBF PC ~ Church Outing

Pastor and Wife Anniversary ~ March 26, 2023 @3:30 pm

Free Spirit Deliverance Tabernacle, 7230  S. Hampton Rd. Dallas, TX 75232

We will leave here at 2:45pm


NMBF PC ~ Seven Last Sayings of Jesus Christ

Wednesday, April 5, 2023 @ 7:30pm ~ Online

All Partners please invite friends, family and associates.


NMBF PC ~ Youth Ministry

Resurrection Sunday is April 9, 2023 and the Youth are ask

to sign up to receive an Resurrection Speech


Youth ministry is asking that all Partners bring 2 large bags of individual

wrapped candy for Resurrection Sunday. The youth ministry will need these

items by April 6th.Please, NO CHOCOLATES, .

But we will accept large chocolate rabbit candies as prizes.

Elder Lisa Scales


RAW: Real Authentic Worship

Every second Friday night at 7:30 pm April 14, 2023 at

NMBF PC, 9026 Elam Road, Dallas TX 75217

Bishop and Pastor Slater.


NMBF PC~ Youth Ministry

Youth Church School will be held every 2nd and 4th Sunday.

All youth are invited  and a lite snack will be served.

Elder Lisa Scales


You Matter,  We Care, GOD Provides.

Announcements Mar 12 ~ Mar 18

Announcements ~ March 12, 2023


Everyone is asked to join in live for Wed.

Meat Lovers Bible Study. 7 pm– Adults 

 Weekly prayer join us Every Friday @ 11:00am  call in to

857-357-0254 code 809119#


NMBF PC Schedule for March and Upcoming Events

All of NMBF PC is requested to attend.


Thank you for your Prayers for Bishop J. Lee Slater

we are asking for your continuous Prayer as he recovers.

Pastor Donna Slater



M-Cube will have a meeting immediately following morning worship.

Associate Pastor Espy


NMBF PC ~ Church Outing

Pastor and Wife Anniversary ~ March 26, 2023 @3:30 pm

Free Spirit Deliverance Tabernacle

7230  S. Hampton Rd. Dallas, TX 75232

We will leave here at 2:45pm


NMBF PC ~ Youth Ministry

Resurrection Sunday is April 9, 2023 and the Youth are ask to sign up

to receive an Resurrection Speech


Youth ministry is asking that all Partners bring 2 large bags of individual

wrapped candy for Resurrection Sunday. The youth ministry will need these

items by April 6th.Please, NO CHOCOLATES, .

But we will accept large chocolate rabbit candies as prizes.

Elder Lisa Scales


RAW: Real Authentic Worship

Every second Friday night at 7:30 pm April 14, 2023 at

NMBF PC, 9026 Elam Road, Dallas TX 75217

Bishop and Pastor Slater.


NMBF PC~ Youth Ministry

Youth Church School will be held every 2nd and 4th Sunday.

All youth are invited  and a lite snack will be served.

Elder Lisa Scales


You Matter,  We Care, GOD Provides.

Announcements Feb 26 ~ Mar 4

Announcements ~ February 26, 2023


Everyone is asked to join in live for Wed.

Meat Lovers Bible Study. 7 pm– Adults 

 Weekly prayer join us Every Friday @ 11:00am  call in to

857-357-0254 code 809119#


NMBF PC Schedule for February and Upcoming Events

All of NMBF PC is requested to attend.


Thank you for your Prayers for Bishop J. Lee Slater

we are asking for your continuous Prayer as he recovers.

Pastor Donna Slater



NMBF PC ~ Men’s Ministry

Annual African Attire Day and Fellowship Dinner

will immediately follow morning worship.

The Men’s Ministry will be sponsoring this dinner. 

You can pick and choose today’s meal in your to-go container.

Deacon Redrick—Deacon Hampton


NMBF PC~ Youth Ministry

Youth Church School will be held every 2nd and 4th Sunday.

All youth are invited  and a lite snack will be served.

Sis. Lisa Scales


RAW: Real Authentic Worship

Every second Friday night at 7:30 pm March 10, 2023 at

NMBF PC, 9026 Elam Road, Dallas TX 75217

Bishop and Pastor Slater.


Stay Connected! Download the NMBF Church App Today!
Easy access to Church Announcements! Live Services! Videos
Audio Sermons and more.. All available on our church app…
Available in the Apple app store, and Google Play Store


You Matter,  We Care, GOD Provides.
